Osofo Kyiri Abosom criticises NPP, NDC, emphasises quiet campaign strategy

Christian Kwabena Andrews popularly called ‘Osofo Kyiri Abosom’, founder and leader of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), has taken a critical stance against the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), highlighting his party’s unique approach to campaigning.

Speaking on CTV’s morning show ‘Dwabo,’ Osofo Kyiri Abosom explained that his party’s quiet and grassroots-focused campaign strategy stems from a principle of righteousness.

“The righteous do not talk, it is those who want to commit sin who do that [make noise],” he asserted. “That’s what NPP and NDC are doing.”

According to Kyiri Abosom, GUM avoids large, noisy rallies and instead engages directly with voters on the ground.

“We don’t bus people and organise large campaigns; we stand outside and convince people to vote for us,” he explained. “All those who support the NPP and NDC do so because of what they will gain.”

He further criticised the motives of NPP and NDC supporters, suggesting they are driven by personal gain rather than the country’s welfare.

“Anyone following NDC or NPP only wants what they want. I’ve told people if you follow me, I won’t give you a penny. If you like, come and vote; you are coming to loot money while our economy is struggling, and we seriously want to rescue it,” Kyiri Abosom said.

Source: classfmonline

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