Chaos Erupts At Kejetia Market Over Trading Space Dispute

A clash between trading groups at Kejetia Market in Kumasi on Monday, June 24, 2024, resulted in chaos, wailing, and curses.

The dispute centers around trading spaces, which shop owners claim are being sold by management, including Managing Director Kofi Duffour and Operations Director Nana Poku, allegedly with the backing of the Ashanti Regional Minister, Simon Osei Mensah.

The shop owners alleged that the spaces in question are designated for emergency access and firefighting purposes, not trading.

They claim that management has sold all market spaces, blocking emergency exits and putting the market at risk in case of a fire outbreak.

The traders are resisting the sale of the disputed space and have cautioned the Ashanti Regional Minister and the KMA boss to intervene.

They have also raised concerns about the inaccessibility of fire hydrants in the market, which they say are often blocked by traders and developers or sealed due to leakages.

The situation has sparked concerns about fire safety in the market.

Source: starrfm

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